Copywriting for Facebook Ads
EcommerceTo start making good copies, you need to have well-defined who your ideal customer is.
Identify your audience and their pain points
The features and benefits your brand, products/services offer
Pain points: these are the problems your target audience is facing, which your brand can solve
¿How to start?
- Identify them
- Find the characteristics of our brand that "cure" those pains.
- Test options to communicate this last point
¿How to identify them?
- Interviews/focus groups
- Online surveys
- Social listening
- Offline listening
- Research in industry blogs
Types of Pain Points (common)
-Buying and selling process
-Deep benefit for Deep pain:
• Pain point: muscle pain
• Deep pain: unable to perform physical
Features vs. benefits
Feature: something that your product has or is
Benefits: are the results we expect users to experience or achieve through the use of our products/services.
Common mistakes:
- Not communicating features of our products/services (only focusing on 100% of the benefits).
- Assuming that users know the benefits of using our products/services
- Communicating benefits in an unclear or overly technical manner
Tips to create infallible ads
- Little text inside the ad, 20% would be the maximum we should add of text, and that this text communicates a benefit or advantage.
- Use numbers and offer benefits with phrases such as 2X1, FROM $XXX OR FROM $XXX
- Depending on the part of the funnel, it would be ideal that the images of your ads are photo products, where you highlight in the foreground the product with a high quality image.
- Use a sense of urgency such as ONLY FOR X TIME, LIMITED SPACES creating a sense of scarcity or urgency.
- Use Call to action(CTA), the CTA are generally written in imperative mode and incite or persuade the customer to generate x action such as go to a page, schedule or visit.
The hook
The hook is the first line of text that will get readers hooked on your ad.
- This element, together with the graphics, is key to attract the user's attention, so that he knows what promise of value you are offering him.
To engage, we can make use of the following:
Affirmation / bold assertion (can involve the brand, customer, or an external truth or event).
- Ex: You inspired these clothes
- Ex: Arthritis is one of the most common problems in adults, and we overlook it (objective view).
Identify the potential customer with the problem
- E.g.: Do you deduct income tax (use of pain point)?
- Ex: Many times you limit yourself by not acting in accordance with what you think and want to do, with what you actually do, many of these limitations are products of "what others will say".
Start with a question
- Ex: Are you looking to feel good naturally?
- Ex: Are you looking for a simple, complete skincare routine that allows you to maintain healthy skin and is also #crueltyfree?
- Ex: Did you know that 88% of breast milk is water (mix with a strong statement)?
Hook formulas
Hooks are phrases or words used to capture the attention of the potential customer, these are used for the customer to interact and get all the information, and we have several formulas to make the process or the creation of an effective copy faster and more effective.
¿Did you know that xx can actually cause xx?
- Did you know that drinking too much water can actually cause kidney problems?
XX ways to get XX without making XX
- 3 ways to get paid in dollars without using PayPal or Payoneer
SITUATION TARGET? This product / service / publication is for you!
- Tired of dealing with a slow internet connection? This signal repeater is for you!
- You are looking for such a thing...
If XX, XX and XX, this XX is for you.
- If you are a natural lover, vegan and decided to take care of your skin from the sun, this sunscreen is for you.
- If you are looking to refurbish your house and do it in the best way in the shortest time possible, this X is for you.